Business Law & Litigation
Business & Corporate Law
Law Offices of Carl H. Starrett II
1941-C Friendship Drive
El Cajon, California 92020-1144
Call toll free within California:
888-994-CHSLAW (888-994-2475)
This field of law is comprised of a broad category of legal
services that can consist of the formation and dissolution of
partnerships, corporations, limited liability companies and
limited liability partnerships. It also involves the drafting of
agreements and contracts and the collection of money owed
to businesses and offers general legal advice to business
owners, partners and corporate directors.
PLEASE NOTE: You do not become a client of the Law Offices
of Carl H. Starrett II unless you enter into a written agreement
signed by you and Carl H. Starrett II. The agreement must
also spell out the scope of the work that is to be done. Simply
sending an inquiry by mail, fax, or email does not establish
an attorney-client relationship.

Call toll free within California:
888-994-CHSLAW (888-994-2475)
PLEASE NOTE: You do not become a client
of the Law Offices of Carl H. Starrett II
unless you enter into a written agreement
signed by you and Carl H. Starrett II. The
agreement must also spell out the scope of
the work that is to be done. Simply sending
an inquiry by mail, fax, or email does not
establish an attorney-client relationship.
PLEASE NOTE: You do not become a client
of the Law Offices of Carl H. Starrett II
unless you enter into a written agreement
signed by you and Carl H. Starrett II. The
agreement must also spell out the scope of
the work that is to be done. Simply sending
an inquiry by mail, fax, or email does not
establish an attorney-client relationship.
PLEASE NOTE: You do not become a client
of the Law Offices of Carl H. Starrett II
unless you enter into a written agreement
signed by you and Carl H. Starrett II. The
agreement must also spell out the scope of
the work that is to be done. Simply sending
an inquiry by mail, fax, or email does not
establish an attorney-client relationship.